
Table Of Contents
The Project Logical Editor (Cubase only)
If two condition lines are combined with a boolean Or,
one of the conditions (or both) must be fulfilled for an ele-
ment to be found.
The Project Logical Editor will find all parts or events that match exactly
the cycle.
Using brackets
The bracket (parenthesis) columns let you enclose two or
more condition lines, dividing the conditional expression
into smaller units. This is only relevant when you have
three or more condition lines and want to use the boolean
Or operator.
You add brackets by clicking in the bracket columns and
selecting an option. Up to triple brackets can be selected.
Without brackets, the conditional expressions are eval-
uated according to their order in the list.
Here, the Project Logical Editor will find all audio parts and events
whose name contains perc as well as other parts and events (e. g. MIDI
parts) whose name contains drums.
Maybe you want to find all audio parts and events that ei-
ther had the name perc or the name drums (but no other
parts or events named drums)? Then you need to add
some brackets:
Here, all audio parts or events will be found whose name contains perc
or drums.
Ö Expressions within brackets are evaluated first.
If there are several layers of brackets, these are evaluated “from the inside
out”, starting with the innermost brackets.
Specifying actions
The lower list in the Project Logical Editor window is the
action list. This is where you specify any changes that are
made to the found elements, relevant for the function type
You can perform two different kinds of actions: track-
based actions (such as Track Operation, Name) and
event-based actions (such as Position, Length, Name).
There are also actions that only take effect on automation
data (Trim).
The handling of the action list is similar to the filter condi-
tion list, but without the brackets and booleans. You sim-
ply add lines by clicking the “+” button, and fill out the
columns as required. To remove a superfluous action line,
select it and click the “-” button.
Action Target
This is where you select the property that is changed. The
Operations determine what to do with the Action Target.
Below, all available operations are listed:
Adjusting this value will move the elements. This parameter
is interpreted via the time base setting in the Bar Range/
Time Base column, with the exception of the Random set-
ting, which uses the time base of the affected events:
When you add a new condition line, the boolean set-
ting defaults to And. Therefore, if all you want to do is
set up two or more conditions that all must be met
for an element to be found, you do not have to think
about the boolean column – just add the required
lines and make the usual filter settings.
Operation Description
Add Adds the value specified in the Parameter 1 column to the
Subtract Subtracts the value specified in the Parameter 1 column
from the Position.
Multiply by Multiplies the Position value with the value specified in the
Parameter 1 column.
Divide by Divides the Position value by the value specified in the Para-
meter 1 column.
Round by This “rounds” the Position value using the value specified in
the Parameter 1 column. In other words, the Position value is
changed to the closest value that can be divided by the Pa
rameter 1 value.
For example, if the Position value is 17 and Parameter 1 is 5,
the result of rounding will be 15 (the closest value that can
be divided by 5). Another word for this type of operation
would be “quantizing”, and it is actually possible to use it for
this, by specifying a quantize value with Parameter 1 (in ticks,
with 480 ticks per quarter note).