
Table Of Contents
The Logical Editor, Transformer, and Input Transformer
Opening the Input Transformer
To open the Input Transformer for a MIDI track, select the
track and click the Input Transformer button in the Inspec-
tor to open the pop-up menu.
Select Global to make Input Transformer settings that
affect all MIDI inputs (and thereby all MIDI tracks).
Select Local to make Input Transformer settings for this
track only.
In both cases, the button lights up and the Input Trans-
former opens.
Handling the four modules
The Input Transformer is really four separate transformers,
or modules.
You select which module to view and make settings for
by clicking the corresponding Module tab.
Module 1 selected for viewing and editing.
The On/Off buttons next to the Module names deter-
mine which module(s) are active.
Here, Module 1 is inactive and Module 2 is active.
The Function pop-up menu
The Function pop-up menu contains two options: Filter
and Transform.
In Filter mode, only the filter conditions (the upper list)
are taken into account. All events matching the conditions
set up will be filtered out (excluded from the recording).
In Transform mode, events matching the filter conditions
will be transformed according to the settings in the action
list (the lower list).
Setting up filtering and actions
This is done just like in the Logical Editor. Here is a brief
Click the “+” button to add lines to the filter condition
list or action list.
To remove a line, click it to select it and click the “-” button below the lists.
Clicking the columns in the filter condition list opens
pop-up menus allowing you to specify the conditions to
Clicking the columns in the action list opens pop-up
menus allowing you to specify how the found events are
transformed (when Transform mode is selected).
For detailed descriptions of the filter conditions and action
columns, see
“General procedure” on page 442.
The Input Transformer has no Apply button – the settings
are active as soon as you activate the On/Off button of a
The settings made in the active modules will affect all MIDI data you re-
cord on the track.
Ö Closing the Input Transformer window does not turn it
off – you need to deactivate the On/Off buttons of all
modules for this! A lit Input Transformer button in the In
spector indicates that one or more modules are active.