
Table Of Contents
The Logical Editor, Transformer, and Input Transformer
Searching for MIDI channels
Each MIDI event contains a MIDI channel setting (1–16).
Normally, these settings are not used, since the MIDI event
plays back on the MIDI channel set for its track. However,
you can come across MIDI parts with events set to different
channels, for example in the following scenarios:
If you have recorded MIDI from an instrument sending on sev-
eral different channels (e. g. a master keyboard with different
key zones).
If you have imported a MIDI file of type 0 (with a single track,
containing MIDI events with different channel settings).
Searching for MIDI channel values is straightforward; you
select a Condition and enter a MIDI channel (1–16) in the
Parameter 1 column (and, if you have selected one of the
Range Conditions, a higher channel in the Parameter 2
column, creating a value range).
Searching for element types
Selecting Type as the Filter Target allows you to find ele-
ments of a certain type only.
The Condition column contains only three options: Equal, Un-
equal and All Types.
Clicking the Parameter 1 column displays a pop-up menu, list-
ing the available types (Note, Poly Pressure, Controller, etc.).
The Logical Editor will find all elements matching or not
matching the selected type (depending on the Condition).
Searching for properties
On the Filter Target pop-up menu, you will find an option
called Property. This allows you to search for properties
that are not part of the MIDI standard but rather Cubase-
specific settings.
When the Property option is selected, the Condition col-
umn has two options: “Property is set” and “Property is not
set”. Which property to look for is selected in the Parameter
1 column. The options are “muted”, “selected”, “empty”,
“inside NoteExp”, and “valid VST3”. Some examples:
Here, the Logical Editor will find all muted events.
Here, the Logical Editor will find all events that are selected and muted.
Cubase only: Here, the Logical Editor will find all Note Expression data.
Cubase only: Here, the Logical Editor will find all MIDI controller events
that form part of Note Expression data.
Cubase only: Here, the Logical Editor will find all VST 3 events that
cannot be played back, because there is no Note Expression compati-
ble VST instrument on the related track.
Searching for event contexts
On the Filter Target pop-up menu, you will find an option
called “Last Event”. This can be used to perform context-
dependent searches (especially useful in the Input Trans
“Last Event” indicates the state of an event which has al-
ready passed the Input Transformer/Logical Editor. The
condition has to be combined with Parameter 1 and Pa-
rameter 2.
Below, you will find a few examples on how the Last Event
filter target can be used.
As mentioned above, selecting Type = Note or
Type = Controller adds some additional functionality
to the Logical Editor. You should make it a habit to
add a Type condition when applicable.