
Table Of Contents
Note Expression (Cubase only)
Modifying the data using the smart spots
The editor offers various modes for editing the Note Ex-
pression data. Most editing modes are activated by click-
ing the various so-called “smart spots”, situated on the
editor frame.
Which editing is performed is reflected by the shape of
the mouse pointer. The following modes are available:
Editing the release phase of a note
Sometimes it can be necessary to edit the release phase
of a note, e.
g. to work on the tail of a note which is still
sounding after the note-off message was sent. These set-
tings are made in the release section of the editor. To add
a release phase, click and drag the release length handle
in the lower right corner of the editor.
When Note Expression data are displayed in the Key Edi-
tor, the release phase of a note is also shown.
To activate
this mode…
Click in an
empty area on
the upper bor
der of the editor.
This mode allows you to move the entire
curve up or down, which is useful to
boost or attenuate a curve.
Click the smart
spot in the mid
dle of the upper
border of the
Use this mode to relatively scale the
curve, i.
e. to raise or lower the values in
percent (not by absolute amounts).
Tilt the left/
right part of
the curve
Click the smart
spot in the up
per left/right
corner of the
These modes allow you to tilt the left or
the right part of the curve, respectively.
This is useful if the curve form is exactly
the way you want it, but the start or end
needs to be boosted or attenuated a bit.
the left/right
part of the
click the smart
spot in the up
per left/right
corner of the
These modes allow you to compress the
left or the right part of the curve. You can
create a vibrato using the line tool in si
nus mode, for example, and then com-
press its start and end to get a more
natural effect.
Scale Around
Click the smart
spot in the mid
dle of the right
border of the
This mode allows you to scale the curve
around the absolute center, i.
e. horizon-
tally around the center of the editor. This
is useful for parameters which contain a
center value or position, such as Pitch
bend or panorama.
Smart spots
Scale Around
click the smart
spot in the mid
dle of the right
border of the
This mode allows you to scale the curve
relative to its center. This can be used to
boost or reduce vibrato, for example.
Stretch Click and drag
in the lower part
of the editor.
This allows you to stretch all or the se-
lected Note Expression data.
You can apply the stretching to all visi-
ble curves at the same time by keeping
[Shift] pressed while dragging.
To activate
this mode…
Note Release phase Release length handle