
Table Of Contents
The MIDI editors
The Hide section (filtering out event types)
The Hide section on the Filters bar allows you to hide spe-
cific event types from view. For example, it may be hard to
find note events if the part contains a lot of controller data.
By hiding the controllers, the list becomes more manage
To hide an event type, activate the corresponding
checkbox on the Filters bar.
To hide all event types except one, press [Ctrl]/[Com-
mand] and click the checkbox of the event type you want
to view.
If you [Ctrl]/[Command]-click again, all checkboxes are cleared.
Ö The event types remain hidden even if you hide the Fil-
ters bar. To make sure that you see all events, show the
Filters bar and verify that all checkboxes are deactivated
and that the Show pop-up menu is set to “No Focus”.
Ö Filtering events out does not remove, mute, or change
the events in any way.
Editing in the value display
The value display to the right of the event display is a tool
for quick viewing and editing of multiple values, e. g. veloc-
ities or controller amounts. The values are shown as hori-
zontal bars, with the bar length corresponding to the value.
A velocity ramp in the value display
You edit the values by clicking and dragging. Note that the
pointer automatically takes on the shape of the Pencil tool
when you move it over the value display – you do not have
to select the Pencil tool for this.
Exactly which value is shown for an event depends on the
event type. The following table shows what is displayed
and edited in the Data columns and the value display:
For note events there will also be a value in the Data 3
column, which is used for note-off velocity.
Note that for SMF and text events no values are dis-
Working with SysEx messages
SysEx (System Exclusive) messages are model-specific
messages for setting various parameters of a MIDI device.
This makes it possible to address device parameters that
would not be available via normal MIDI syntax.
Every major MIDI manufacturer has its own SysEx identity
code. SysEx messages are typically used for transmitting
patch data, i. e. the numbers that make up the settings of
one or more sounds in a MIDI instrument.
Cubase allows you to record and manipulate SysEx data
in various ways. The following sections point to various
features that help you manage and create SysEx data.
To learn about the possibilities of the MIDI Device Man-
ager for controlling your device, see the chapter “Using
MIDI devices” on page 356.
Bulk dumps
Recording a bulk dump in Cubase
In any programmable device, the settings are stored as
numbers in computer memory. Change those numbers,
and you will change the settings.
Event type Data 1 Data 2 Value display
Note Pitch
(note number)
Controller Controller type Controller
Not used Program
Aftertouch Aftertouch
Not used Aftertouch amount
Pitchbend Bend amount Not used Bend amount
SysEx Not used Not used Not used