
Table Of Contents
The MIDI editors
The Transpose section
The Transpose section allows you to access the main pa-
rameters for transposing MIDI events. These can also be
found in the Transpose dialog, see “Transpose” on page
The Length section
The Length section contains the length-related options
from the Functions submenu of the MIDI menu (see “Other
MIDI functions on page 371) as well as a Length/Legato
Use the “Scale Length/Legato” slider to change the
length of the selected MIDI events (or all events of the ac
tive part if no events are selected).
At the maximum value the notes reach the beginning of the next note.
Use the “Freeze MIDI Lengths” button to the right of the
“Scale Length/Legato” slider to make the new length set-
tings permanent.
Use the Overlap slider to finetune the distance between
consecutive notes.
At “0 Ticks”, the “Scale Legato” slider extends each note so that it
reaches the next note exactly. Positive values cause the notes to overlap
and negative values allow you to define a small gap between the notes.
Activate the “Between Selected” option if you want to
use the Legato function or slider to extend a note until the
next selected note (instead of the following note in the part).
This is identical with activating the “Legato Mode: Between Selected
Notes Only” option in the Preferences dialog.
The note display
The note display is the main area in the Key Editor. It con-
tains a grid in which MIDI notes are shown as boxes. The
width of a box corresponds to the note length, and the
vertical position of a box corresponds to the note number
(pitch), with higher notes higher up in the grid. The piano
keyboard helps you to find the right note number.
For a description of how to display colors in the note dis-
play, see “Coloring notes and events” on page 382.
The controller display
The area at the bottom of the Key Editor window is the
controller display. It consists of one or several controller
lanes, each showing one of the following properties or
event types:
Velocity values of the notes
Pitchbend events
Aftertouch events
Poly Pressure events
Program Change events
SysEx events
Articulations and Dynamics (see “Expression maps (Cubase
only)” on page 419 and “Working with mapped dynamics” on
page 685).
Any type of continuous controller event (see “Editing continu-
ous controllers on the controller lane on page 392)
To change the size of the controller display, drag the di-
vider between the controller display and the note display.
Velocity values are shown as vertical bars in the controller
display, with higher bars corresponding to higher velocity
Each velocity bar corresponds to a note in the note display.
Events other than velocity values are shown as blocks, the
heights of which correspond to the values of the events.
The beginning of an event is marked by a curve point. To
select an event, click on the curve point, so that it turns red.
Ö Unlike notes, events in the controller display have no
length. The value of an event in the display is “valid” until
the start of the next event.