
Table Of Contents
Using MIDI devices
If you have an SM2 component installed, there is an addi-
tional menu item on the Devices menu.
Total Recall
Total Recall means that you can save and recall all set-
tings of your hardware and software products by opening
one integrated file in a DAW such as Cubase or Nuendo.
Also you will have instant and organized access to hard
ware editors.
When you load a project or switch to another active project
that contains SM2 data, the Total Recall Synchronization
dialog opens:
This dialog can also be opened any time from the Studio
Manager’s Synchronize menu. Click OK for the Dump to
Virtual MIDI Devices
If you have a new OPT component (e. g. the DM2000)
which uses a new special interface, you can access these
components as virtual MIDI Devices in the MIDI track’s
output routing (if the output of the OPT is configured).
When a MIDI track is routed to such a device, the “Open
Device Panels” button becomes available.
Click the Open Device Panels button, to open the editor
window for the device.
Ö Please also refer to the separate documentation for
the Studio Manager 2 and the OPT components.