
Table Of Contents
MIDI realtime parameters and effects
You can also transpose individual MIDI parts using the
Transpose field in the info line.
The transposition in the info line (for the individual part) is added to the
transpose value you have set up for the whole track in the Inspector.
Ö This setting is also affected by the global Transpose
settings. For detailed information, see the chapter
transpose functions” on page 131.
Velocity Shift
This setting lets you change the dynamics of all notes on
the track. The value in this field is added to the velocity of
each note message that is sent out (use negative values to
lower the velocities). The range is -127 to +127 with 0
representing no change in velocity.
Note that the effect of changing the velocity depends on
the sound and instrument.
Ö You can also adjust the velocity of events in individual
MIDI parts using the Velocity field in the info line. The ve
locity shift in the info line (for the individual part) is added
to the velocity shift you have set up for the whole track in
the Inspector.
Velocity Compression
This function multiplies the velocity values with the factor
you specify. This factor is set using a numerator (left value)
and a denominator (right value), resulting in a fractional
number (1/2, 3/4, 3/2 etc.). For example, if you set the
factor to 3/4, the velocities will be three quarters of their
original values. This will also affect the difference in veloc
ity between the notes, thus compressing or expanding the
velocity scale. Typically, you would combine this setting
with the Velocity Shift parameter.
An example:
Let’s say you have three notes with the velocity values 60,
90 and 120, and wish to “even out” the velocity differ
ences somewhat. If you set the Velocity Compression
value to 1/2, the notes will play back with the velocities
30, 45 and 60. By adding 60 in the Velocity Shift field, the
notes will play back with the velocities 90, 105 and 120,
meaning you have compressed the velocity range.
In a similar way, you can use Velocity Compression values
greater than 1/1 together with negative values in the Ve-
locity Shift field, to expand the velocity range.
Length Compression
This value adjusts the lengths of all notes on the track. As
with Velocity Compression, the value is set with a numer-
ator and denominator. For example, the value 2/1 means
that all note lengths will be doubled, while 1/4 means all
note lengths will be a quarter of the actual lengths.
The Random settings let you introduce random variations
to various properties of MIDI notes. Anything from very
subtle variations to dramatic changes can be applied.
There are two separate “random generators”, set up in the
following way:
1. Pull down the Random pop-up menu and select which
note property is randomized.
The options are position, pitch, velocity and length.
Ö Keep in mind that depending on the content of the
track, certain parameter changes might not be immedi-
ately noticeable or have any effect at all (as would be the
case if applying random length to a percussion track play-
ing “one-shot” samples for example). To best audition the
random changes, choose a track with clearly defined
rhythm and note content (as opposed to a string pad).
2. Set the desired range of random deviation by entering
values in the two number fields.
The two values govern the limits of the randomization, so that the values
will vary between the left value and the right value (you cannot set the left
value higher than the right value). The maximum random range for each
property is listed in the table below:
Ö You can make independent settings for the two random
Remember that the maximum velocity is always 127
no matter how much you try to expand.
Property Range
Position -500 to +500 ticks
Pitch -120 to +120 semitones
Velocity -120 to +120
Length -500 to +500 ticks