
Table Of Contents
VST Connections
To use letters from the alphabet, proceed as with num-
bers, but enter a capital letter instead of a number.
For example, if you have three FX channels that you want to be named
“FX A, FX B, and FX C”, you select all the channels and enter the name
A” for the first. All other channels are then renamed automatically.
The last letter that can be used is Z. If you have more selected entries
than there are letters available, the remaining entries will be skipped.
Ö You do not have to begin renaming with the topmost
selected entry. The renaming will start from the bus where
you edit the name, will go down the list to the bottom and
then continue from the top until all selected busses have
been renamed.
Changing the port assignment for a single bus
To change the port assignment for a single bus, you pro-
ceed as when you added it: Make sure that the channels
are visible and click in the Device Port column to select
Changing the port assignment for multiple busses
To change the port assignment (or the output routing in
case of groups/FX channels) for multiple entries in the
Bus Name column at the same time, you need to select
the corresponding busses first.
To assign different ports to the selected busses, press
[Shift], open the Device Port pop-up menu for the first se
lected entry (i. e. the topmost bus) and select a device
All subsequent busses are automatically connected to the next available
To assign the same port to all selected busses, press
[Shift]-[Alt]/[Option], open the Device Port pop-up menu
for the first selected entry (i.
e. the topmost bus) and select
a device port.
Ö You can also set all selected busses or channels to
Not Connected.
Removing busses
To remove a bus you do not need, select it in the list, right-
click and select Remove Bus from the pop-up menu, or
press [Backspace].
When using letters instead of numbers, it is impor-
tant to note that these must be preceded by a space.
If you leave out the space before the letter or if you
do enter neither a letter nor a number, only the first
selected entry is renamed.
Cubase only: Exclusive ports (e. g. ports already as-
signed to Control Room channels) will be skipped!