
Table Of Contents
Remote controlling Cubase
8. If necessary, make settings for another bank.
Note that you only need to make settings in the bottom table for this bank.
The table at the top is already set up according to the MIDI remote device.
If necessary, you can add banks by clicking the Add
button below the Bank pop-up menu.
Clicking the Rename button allows you to assign a new name to the cur-
rently selected bank, and you can remove an unneeded bank by select-
ing it and clicking the Delete button.
9. When you are finished, close the Device Setup win-
Now, you can control the specified Cubase parameters from the MIDI re-
mote device. To select another bank, use the pop-up menu in the Generic
Remote window (or use a control on the MIDI remote device, if you have
assigned one for this).
Importing and exporting remote setups
The Export button in the top right corner of the Generic
Remote Setup window allows you to export the current
setup, including the Control configuration (the table at the
top) and all banks. The setup is saved as a file (with the file
extension “.xml”). Clicking the Import button allows you to
import saved remote setup files.
Ö The last imported or exported remote setup will auto-
matically be loaded when the program starts or the Ge-
neric Remote control is added in the Device Setup dialog.
Track Quick Controls
If you have an external remote control device, you can set
it up to control up to eight parameters of each audio track,
MIDI track or instrument track, using the Track Quick Con-
trols feature in Cubase. How to set up your device and
how to assign parameters to it is described in the chapter
“Track Quick Controls” on page 337.
Apple Remote (Macintosh only)
Many Apple computers come with an Apple Remote Con-
trol, a small hand-held device akin to TV remote controls. It
allows you to remotely control certain features in Cubase.
Proceed as follows:
1. Open the Device Setup dialog and select Apple Re-
mote Control from the Add Device pop-up menu.
2. In the list on the right, the Apple Remote’s buttons are
listed. For each button you can open a pop-up menu from
which you can select a Cubase parameter.
The parameter you select is assigned to the corresponding button on the
Apple Remote.
By default, the Apple Remote always controls the applica-
tion that currently has the focus on your Macintosh com-
puter (provided that this application supports the Apple
When the “Disable when application is not in front” op-
tion is not selected, the Apple Remote will control Cubase
even if it does not have the focus.