
Table Of Contents
The MediaBay
Key commands
You can display the available MediaBay key commands
from within the MediaBay window. This is useful if you
want to get a quick overview over the assigned and the
available MediaBay key commands.
To open the Key Commands pane, proceed as follows:
Click the Key Commands button in the lower left corner
of the window.
A transparent pane appears, covering the window. In the center of it is a
gray area where the available key commands are displayed.
If you only want to get an overview over the key com-
mands, you can exit the pane by clicking on its back-
ground (not in the gray area).
If you want to assign or modify key commands, click in
the gray area.
The Key Commands dialog opens, in which you can set up and edit key
commands, see the chapter
“Key commands” on page 541.
Working with MediaBay-related
The MediaBay concept can be found throughout the pro-
gram, for example when adding new tracks or when choos-
ing presets for VST instruments or effects. The workflow in
all MediaBay-related windows is the same as in the Media-
Bay. Below follow a few examples.
Adding tracks
When you select one of the Add Track options on the
Project menu, the following dialog opens:
The Add Track dialog for audio tracks
Click the Browse button to expand the dialog to show the
Results list (as you can find it in the MediaBay). However,
only file types that can be used in this context are shown.
You can also apply track presets to existing tracks. The di-
alog that opens in this case is the same as above.
Applying effect presets
When you have added an insert effect, you can choose
from a variety of presets via the Presets pop-up menu for
the effect slot.
Show File
Extensions in
Results List
When this is activated, file name extensions (e. g. .wav or
.cpr) are displayed in the Results list.
Scan un-
known File
When scanning for media files, the MediaBay ignores
files with an unknown file extension. However, when this
option is activated, the MediaBay tries to open and scan
any file in the search location and ignores those files that
cannot be recognized.
Option Description