
Table Of Contents
The MediaBay
Click the Defined button to show a configured set of at-
tributes for the selected media type.
In this mode, you can choose which attributes are displayed (regardless
of whether corresponding values are available for the selected files). For
more information on how to set up the list of displayed attributes, see
“Managing the attribute lists” on page 326.
Editing attributes (tagging)
The search functions, especially the attribute filter, become
a truly powerful media management tool when making ex
tensive use of tagging, i. e. when adding and editing attri-
Media files are usually organized in complex folder struc-
tures to provide a logical way of guiding the user to the
desired files, with the folder and/or file names indicating
the instrument, style, tempo, etc.
To find a particular sound or loop in such a folder structure
can be very time consuming – tagging is the answer!
Editing attributes in the Attribute Inspector
In the Attribute Inspector, you can edit attribute values of
the various media files. Attribute values can be chosen
from pop-up lists, entered as text or numbers, or set to
Yes or No.
Ö Note that changing an attribute value in the Attribute
Inspector will permanently change the corresponding file
(unless the file is write-protected or part of a VST Sound
You can edit attributes in the following way:
1. Select the file that you want to make settings for in the
Results list.
The corresponding attribute values are displayed in the Attribute Inspector.
2. Click in the Value column for the attribute.
Depending on the selected attribute, the following hap-
For most of the attributes, a pop-up menu opens from
which you can choose a value. This can be a name, a
number and an on/off state. For example, this is the case
for the attributes Name, Family Name, or Author.
Some of the pop-up menus also have a “more…” entry to open a window
with more attribute values. These attribute selection windows also fea
ture a Text Search button that you can use to find specific values more
For the Rating attribute, you can click in the Value col-
umn and drag left or right to modify the setting.
For the Character attribute (Musical group), the Edit
Character dialog opens.
Click a radio button on the left or the right side and then click OK to de-
fine values for the Character attribute.
3. Set the attribute to the desired value.
Many attribute values can also be edited by double-
clicking in the Value column of the Attribute Inspector.
Simply enter/change the text or number setting in the field displayed for a
To remove the attribute value from the selected files,
right-click in the corresponding Value column and select
“Remove Attribute” from the context menu.
“Display only” attributes cannot be edited.
If this is the case, the file format probably does not permit changing this
value, or changing a particular value makes no sense (e.
g. you cannot
change the file size in the MediaBay).
Ö You can also select several files and make settings for
them simultaneously (except for the name, which must be
unique for every file).