
Table Of Contents
The MediaBay
The Define Locations section
When you open the MediaBay for the first time, a scan for
media files is performed on your system. You specify which
folders or directories you want to be included in the scan by
activating/deactivating the checkboxes for the folders in the
Define Locations section. Depending on the amount of me
dia files on your computer, the scan may take a while. All
files that are found in the specified folders are shown in the
Results list.
To include a folder in the scan, activate its checkbox.
To exclude a folder from the scan, deactivate its check-
To restrict the search to individual subfolders, activate/
deactivate their checkboxes.
The color of the checkmark helps you to identify which
folders and subfolders are scanned:
A white checkmark indicates that all subfolders are scanned.
An orange checkmark indicates that at least one subfolder is
excluded from the scan.
To revert to scanning a complete folder (including all
subfolders), click on an orange checkmark.
The checkmark becomes white, to indicate that all folders are scanned.
The scanning status for the individual folders themselves
is indicated by the color of the folder icons:
A red icon means that the folder is currently being scanned.
A light blue icon means the folder has been scanned.
A dark blue icon is displayed for folders which are excluded
from the scan.
An orange icon is displayed when the scanning process for
the folder was interrupted.
A yellow icon is displayed for folders that have not yet been
The scan result is saved in a database file. When you de-
activate the checkbox for a folder that has already been
scanned, a message appears, allowing you to keep the
gathered scan data in this database file or to completely
remove the data for this folder from the database file. Se
lect Keep if you want to keep the database entries, but
want to exclude the folder from being scanned (when you
trigger a re-scan for example). Select Remove if you do
not want to use the contents of this folder in your projects.
When you activate the “Please, don’t ask again” option,
no further warning messages will be shown when you de-
activate other checkboxes, for as long as the program is
When you quit and re-launch Cubase, these warning messages will be
displayed again.
The VST Sound node
The Define Locations section provides a shortcut to user
content and factory content files, including the preset
folders: the VST Sound node.
The folders below the VST Sound node represent the
directories in which content files and track presets, VST
presets, etc. are stored by default.
To find out the “true” location of a file, right-click on it in the Results list
and select “Open in Explorer” (Win)/“Reveal in Finder” (Mac). This will
open an Explorer/Finder window in which the corresponding file is high
lighted. Please note that this function is not available for files which are
part of a VST Sound archive.
Some subfolders of this folder
are excluded from the scan.
All subfolders of this folder are
included in the scan.