
Table Of Contents
The Sample Editor
3. Drag the start/end of the segment to the desired
If the Snap button is activated, the segment border will snap to the grid.
When you drag the segment border, warp tabs are shown not only at the
border but also at the adjacent segment borders to indicate which por
tions of the audio are stretched/affected.
Ö Warping a segment will also change the timing of the
adjacent segments.
Ö Timing modifications introduced this way will not
adapt to the project tempo. If this is what you want, use
Musical Mode (see
“Musical Mode” on page 272).
You can change the insert position of a warp tab in the
audio by clicking and dragging the warp tab handle in the
ruler. This will change the warping (see
“Editing Warp
tabs” on page 289).
Hold down [Shift] (by default) to delete warp tabs. To
delete a warp tab, hold down the tool modifier so that the
pointer becomes an eraser and click on the warp handle.
If you are not satisfied with your changes, you can revert
the timing of the selected segments by choosing the
“Warp Changes” option from the Reset pop-up menu
“Reset” on page 290).
Editing Warp tabs
In some cases the beginning of the waveform does not cor-
respond to the beginning of a segment, e. g. when the audio
starts with non-tonal portions like breath sounds (see “Un-
derstanding the waveform display in VariAudio” on page
281). But when it comes to warping, any changes you wish
to make must affect the waveform as a whole.
You can of course change the segmentation to achieve
this, but if you want to pitch your audio afterwards, this
would affect also any non-tonal portions of the audio. If
this is not what you want, proceed as follows:
1. Activate the Pitch & Warp tool and activate the Snap
In this example the beginning of the segment does not correspond to
the beginning of the waveform.
2. Move the mouse pointer over the start of the segment
so that it becomes a double arrow and drag the segment
start to the beginning of the bar.
The segment border snaps to the grid at the exact bar position.