
Table Of Contents
The Sample Editor
MIDI Input
You can change the pitch on the fly by selecting the seg-
ment you want to change and pressing a key on your MIDI
keyboard or using the Virtual Keyboard (see “The Virtual
Keyboard” on page 88).
Proceed as follows:
1. After having corrected the segmentation, select the
segment for which you would like to change the pitch.
2. Activate the Pitch & Warp tool and click the MIDI Input
3. Press a key on your MIDI keyboard or use the Virtual
Keyboard to change the pitch of the segment.
The pitch of the segment changes according to the note you play.
The MIDI Input function has two modes: Still mode and
Step mode. You can switch between them by [Alt]/[Op-
tion]-clicking on the MIDI Input button:
In Still mode you can select individual segments by click-
ing on them and change their pitch by pressing a MIDI key.
You can also select several segments and press a MIDI key
to change the pitch of several segments simultaneously.
The pitch of the first selected segment is changed to the
pitch of the MIDI note you play. The pitches of the other se
lected segment are changed by the same amount.
In Step mode you can step through the segments by
selecting the first segment that you would like to change
and pressing a MIDI key. The next segment will automati
cally be selected afterwards. This allows you to work in a
more creative way, for example, to develop completely
new melody lines via MIDI.
4. When you are done, deactivate the MIDI Input button.
Ö MIDI controller data like pitchbend or modulation are
Warping segments
Time correction, i. e. warping at segment level, is useful if
you want to align a musical accent to a certain position, or
change or quantize the timing of single segments in mono-
phonic vocal recordings. When warping audio segments,
warp tabs will be created. These are shown on the Vari-
Audio and the AudioWarp tabs of the Sample Editor In-
spector. (For information on warping complete audio files,
see “Free Warp” on page 275.)
To warp a segment, proceed as follows:
1. On the VariAudio tab activate the Pitch & Warp tool.
2. To change the timing of a segment, move the mouse
pointer over the start/end of the segment.
The mouse pointer becomes a double arrow and the warp tabs are dis-
played in the ruler.
Still mode is activated for MIDI Input.
Any correction of the segmentation must be applied
before warping segments.
Step mode is activated for MIDI Input.