
Table Of Contents
The Sample Editor
The current selection is indicated in the corresponding
fields on the Range tab of the Sample Editor Inspector.
You can fine-tune the selection by changing these values. Note that the
values are relative to the start of the clip, rather than to the project timeline.
Using the Select menu
On the Select menu on the Range tab and on the Select
submenu of the Edit menu you find the following options:
Ö Several of these options are also available on the
Sample Editor context menu.
Editing selection ranges
Selections in the Sample Editor can be processed in sev-
eral ways.
If you attempt to edit an event that is a shared copy (i. e.
the event refers to a clip that is used by other events in the
project), you are asked whether you want to create a new
version of the clip.
Select “New Version” if you want the editing to affect
the selected event only. Select “Continue” if you want the
editing to affect all shared copies.
Ö If you activate the “Please, don’t ask again” option in
the dialog, any further editing will conform to the selected
method (“Continue” or “New Version”). You can change
this setting at any time with the “On Processing Shared
Clips” pop-up menu in the Preferences dialog (Editing–
Audio page).
Any changes to the clip are shown in the Offline Pro-
cess History, making it possible to undo them later (see
“The Offline Process History dialog” on page 254).
Cut, Copy, and Paste
The Cut, Copy, and Paste commands (on the Edit menu,
on the Process tab of the Sample Editor Inspector, or on
the main Edit menu) work according to the following rules:
Selecting Copy copies the selection to the clipboard.
Selecting Cut removes the selection from the clip and
moves it to the clipboard.
The section to the right of the selection is moved to the left to fill the gap.
Selecting Paste copies the data from the clipboard into
the clip.
If there is a selection in the editor, this is replaced by the pasted data. If
there is no selection, the pasted data is inserted starting at the project
cursor. The section to the right of the line is moved to make room for the
pasted material.
Selecting Delete (on the Edit menu, on the Process tab of
the Sample Editor Inspector, or on the main Edit menu) re
moves the selection from the clip. The section to the right
of the selection is moved to the left to fill the gap.
Option Description
All Selects the whole clip.
None Selects no audio (the selection length is set to “0”).
In Loop Selects all audio between the left and right locator.
Select Event Selects only the audio that is included in the edited event.
This is grayed out if you have opened the Sample Editor
from the Pool (in which case the whole clip is opened for
editing, not an event).
Cubase only: If the VariAudio tab is open and your audio
file is split into separate segments (see
mode” on page 283), all segments are selected.
Locators to
(Range tab
Sets the locators to encompass the current selection.
This is available if you have selected one or several
events or made a selection range.
Locate Selection
(Range tab only)
Moves the project cursor to the beginning or end of the
current selection. For this to be available, you must have
selected one or more events or parts, or made a selec
tion range.
Loop Selection
(Range tab only)
This activates playback from the start of the current se-
lection and keeps starting over again when reaching the
selection end.
From Start
Cursor (Edit
menu only)
Selects all audio between the clip start and the project
From Cursor
End (Edit
menu only)
Selects all audio between the project cursor and the
end of the clip. For this to work, the project cursor must
be within the clip boundaries.
Equal Pitch -
all Octaves/
same Octave
(Cubase only)
This function requires that the audio event has been an-
alyzed using the VariAudio features and that one or sev-
eral notes are selected. These options select all notes of
this event that have the same pitch as the currently se
lected note(s) (in any octave or in the current octave).
Left Selection
Side to Cursor
(Edit menu only)
Moves the left side of the current selection range to the
project cursor position. For this to work, the cursor must
be within the clip boundaries. This function is not avail
able for VariAudio segments.
Right Selection
Side to Cursor
(Edit menu only)
Moves the right side of the current selection range to
the project cursor position (or the end of the clip, if the
cursor is to the right of the clip). This function is not
available for VariAudio segments.