
Table Of Contents
Surround sound (Cubase only)
For example, by using the front divergence, you can
acoustically intensify the distance from the action on
screen as perceived by the audience.
•At 0 % the perception is very focused (concentrated in one
•At 100 % the perception is very diffuse (hard to locate).
Ö The Center Distribution value and the front divergence
are combined. If the front divergence is set to 100 %, the
Center Distribution has no effect.
The Scale controls allow you to control the horizontal
(Width) and vertical (Depth) expansion of the sound
source. 100
% corresponds to the complete width or
depth of the surround field. If you reduce both values to
%, the distance is reduced to zero and all source chan-
nels are centered in one spot.
These controls influence the perception of spatiality and
ambience, as well as the traceability of signals.
•At 100 % you get a very transparent, clear sound that conveys
much spatiality.
•At 0 % the signal is less transparent and movements cannot
be traced easily.
Ö The Depth parameter is only available for configura-
tions with front and rear channels.
Input and output level meters
The meters to the left and right of the pan area show the
volume of all input and output speaker channels, respec
tively. The numeric values below the meters indicate the
peak level that has been measured for any of the channels.
General plug-in controls
The Bypass Effect button
At the top left of the plug-in panel you will find a button to
bypass the SurroundPanner V5. If this is activated, the
panner attempts to route the input signals to the appropri
ate output channels (e. g. the left and right front speakers if
panning a stereo signal to a 5.1 configuration).
Mute/Solo buttons
At the top of the plug-in panel you will find a Mute and a
Solo button that are identical with the channel’s Mute/
Solo controls (see
“Using Solo and Mute” on page 153).
Read/Write buttons
Like any other effect plug-in, the SurroundPanner V5 has
Read and Write buttons at the top of the window to apply
and record automation data (see below).
Most of the parameters in the SurroundPanner V5 plug-in
can be automated just like any other channel or insert pa-
rameter (see “Enabling and disabling the writing of auto-
mation data” on page 228).
Recording automation for the Orbit controls and the inde-
pendent positioning mode is handled differently, however.
Automation data for these parameters is written as a com-
bination of the front-rear panning, left-right panning and
the Rotate Signal parameters. For the independent posi-
tioning mode, Scaling is added. Due to this you cannot
easily modify existing automation data since this would in
volve too many different parameters. If an automation pass
did not yield the desired result, simply try again.