
Table Of Contents
Audio effects
2. Select “Save Preset…” from the pop-up menu.
The Save Preset dialog opens.
3. In the New Preset section, enter a name for the new
If you want to save attributes for the preset, click the
button below the “New Preset” section at the bottom left.
The Attribute Inspector section opens, allowing you to define attributes
for the preset. For further information about attributes, see
“The Attribute
Inspector on page 323.
4. Click OK to store the preset and exit the dialog.
User-defined presets are saved in the following location:
Windows: \Users\<user name>\AppData\Roaming\VST3
presets\<company>\<plug-in name>
Mac: /Users/<user name>/Library/Audio/Presets/<com-
pany>/<plug-in name>
Ö You cannot change the default folders, but you can
add further subfolders inside the individual effect preset
folders (by clicking the New Folder button).
About earlier VST effect presets
As stated previously, you can use any VST 2.x plug-ins in
Cubase. For a description of how to add VST plug-ins, see
“Installing and managing effect plug-ins” on page 203.
When you add a VST 2 plug-in, any previously stored pre-
sets for it will be in the old FX program/bank format (.fxp/
.fxb). You can import such files, but the preset handling will
be slightly different. You will not be able to use the new fea
tures like the Attribute Inspector until you have converted
the old “.fxp/.fxb” presets to VST
3 presets. If you save new
presets for the included VST 2 plug-ins, these will automat
ically be saved in the new “.vstpreset” format.
Importing and converting FXB/FXP files
To import FXB/FXP files, proceed as follows:
1. Load any VST 2 effect you may have installed, and
open the Preset Management pop-up menu.
2. Select “Import FXB/FXP…” from the pop-up menu.
This menu item is only available for VST 2 plug-ins.
3. In the file dialog that opens, locate the FXP file and
click Open.
If you load a bank (.fxb), it will replace the current set of all effect pro-
grams. If you load a single program, it will replace the currently selected
effect program only. Note that such files exist only if you created your
own .fxp/.fxb presets with a previous version of Cubase (or any other
2 application).
4. After importing, you can convert the current program
list to VST presets by selecting “Convert Program List to
VST Presets” from the Preset Management pop-up menu.
After converting, the presets will be available in the Presets browser, and
you can use the Attribute Inspector to add attributes and audition the
presets. The converted presets will be stored in the VST3 Preset folder.
All VST 2 presets can be converted to VST 3 presets.