
Table Of Contents
The Mixer
The common panel
The common panel can be found on the left of the Mixer
window. It contains settings for changing the look and
behavior of the Mixer, as well as global settings for all
In standard mode (extended view is hidden), the common
panel contains the following controls:
Showing/hiding channel types
In the lower part of the common panel you will find a verti-
cal strip with icons representing the different channel
To hide or show a channel type, click the corresponding
If an icon is lit (orange), the corresponding channel type is not visible in
the Mixer.
To show all hidden channel types again, click the “Re-
veal All Channels” button.
Configuring the extended channel strips
Using the icons in the extended area of the common panel
you can determine globally what is displayed in the ex-
tended Mixer panel for all channel strips. Depending on
the channel type, the following options are available:
For a description of the options available for audio-re-
lated channels, see “Options for extended audio channel
strips” on page 155. The options for MIDI channels are
described in the section Options for extended MIDI
channel strips” on page 166.
To apply the global view settings also to the input and
output channels, press [Alt]/[Option] while clicking on an
To set up the extended channel strip individually for a
channel, you can use the View Options pop-up menu, see
Global automation
Read/Write buttons
View set buttons, see
“Channel view sets” on
page 151.
Channel type buttons,
see below.
Global channel width
controls, see “Setting the
width of channel strips”
on page 151.
Opens the VST
Connections window,
see “The VST
Connections window”
on page 26.
Reset Mixer/Reset
Channel settings copy/
paste, see “Copying
settings between audio
channels” on page 161.
Global Mute, Solo and
Listen buttons
“Command Target”
options, see “About the
Command Target” on
page 150.
Input Channels
Audio Channels
Group Channels
ReWire Channels
MIDI Channels
VST Instrument Channels
FX Channels
Output Channels
“Can Hide” options, see
Reveal All Channels
Clear all views
(blank panels)
Show all Inserts
Show all Equalizers
Show all Equalizers with curve
Show all Sends
Show Sends 1–4 or 5–8
Show SurroundPanners (where
applicable) (Cubase only)
Show all Meters
Show Channel Overview
Show Studio Sends