
Table Of Contents
The transpose functions
Changing the root key of single events or parts
If you want to check if an audio event or part has root key
information or if you want to change it, proceed as follows:
1. Open the Pool and display the Key column by activat-
ing the Root Key option on the View/Attributes pop-up
2. Click in the Key column for the desired audio event
and set the root key according to your needs.
You can also check and assign root keys in the MediaBay.
Ö If you change the root key of an audio part or event,
the corresponding audio file will not change. To save the
root key in the audio file, you have to use the “Bounce Se
lection” function on the Audio menu.
To check or change the root key setting of a MIDI part,
proceed as follows:
1. Select your MIDI part in the Project window and check
the Project window info line.
A MIDI part with the root key set to “D”
2. Click on the root key value in the info line to open the
corresponding pop-up menu and select the desired root
Transposing separate sections of a project
using transpose events
Sometimes you may want to transpose only certain sec-
tions of your project, e. g. to create harmonic variations.
This can be done by creating transpose events. Trans
pose events allow you to add a relative transpose offset by
specifying transpose values in semitones. For example,
you can brighten up your loops in C major by transposing
them by 5 semitones, so that the subdominant on F major
is played back, or you can turn your hit more interesting by
transposing the last chorus one semitone upwards.
1. Open the Project menu and select “Transpose” from
the Add Track submenu (or right-click the track list select
the corresponding option from the context menu).
A transpose track is created. You can only have one transpose track in a
2. Select the Pencil tool and click in the transpose track
to create a transpose event.
A transpose event will be created from the point where you clicked until
the end of the project.
3. To create another transpose event, click with the Pen-
cil tool on the first transpose event.
By default, the transpose value of new transpose events is set to 0.
You can add more transpose events by clicking with the pencil tool.
4. Click in the transpose value field and enter the trans-
pose value for the transpose event.
You can enter the desired value with the computer keyboard, use the
mouse wheel or [Alt]/[Option]-click on the transpose value to open a
value fader. You can specify values between -24 and 24 semitones.
5. Play back your project.
The parts of your project on the same position as the transpose events
will be transposed according to the specified transpose values.
If you change the project root key after setting the
event root key, the events will keep their own root key
settings, and will be transposed to match the project
root key. If you record an audio or a MIDI part and the
project root key is specified, this root key is automat
ically set.