
Table Of Contents
9. Activate recording.
10. When you are finished, you can play back the re-
corded audio track.
As you can hear, the effect you applied is now a part of the actual audio file.
11. If you do not want to record more with the same plug-
in, deactivate it by clicking in the insert slot and selecting
“No Effect”.
Recovery of audio recordings after system
Normally, when a computer crashes, all changes made to
your current project since you last saved it will be lost.
Usually, there is no quick and easy way to recover your
With Cubase, when your system crashes while you are re-
cording (because of a power cut or other mishap), you will
find that your recording is still available, from the moment
when you started recording to the time when your com-
puter crashed.
When you experience a computer crash during a record-
ing, simply relaunch the system and check the project re-
cord folder (by default this is the Audio subfolder inside
the project folder). It should contain the audio file you
were recording at the time of the crash.
MIDI recording specifics
Activating MIDI Thru
Normally, when working with MIDI, you will have MIDI Thru
activated in Cubase, and Local Off selected in your MIDI
instruments. In this mode, everything you play during re
cording will be “echoed” back out again on the MIDI out-
put and channel selected for the recording track.
1. Make sure that the “MIDI Thru Active” option is acti-
vated in the Preferences dialog (MIDI page).
2. Record enable the tracks on which you want to re-
Now, incoming MIDI is “echoed” back out again for all record-enabled
MIDI tracks.
Ö If you just want to use the Thru function for a MIDI
track without recording, activate the monitor button for the
track instead. This is useful, for instance, if you want to try
out different sounds or play a VST instrument in realtime
without recording your playing.
Setting MIDI channel, input, and output
Setting the MIDI channel in the instrument
Most MIDI synthesizers can play several sounds at the
same time, each on a different MIDI channel. This is the
key to playing back several sounds (bass, piano, etc.) from
the same instrument. Some devices (such as General
MIDI compatible sound modules) always receive on all 16
MIDI channels. If you have such an instrument, there is no
specific setting you need to make in the instrument. On
other instruments, you will have to use the front panel con
trols to set up a number of “Parts”, “Timbres” or similar so
that they receive on one MIDI channel each. See the man-
ual that came with your instrument for more information.
This feature does not constitute an “overall” guaran-
tee by Steinberg. While the program itself was im-
proved in such a way that audio recordings can be
recovered after a system failure, it is always possible
that a computer crash, power cut, etc. might have
damaged another component of the computer, mak
ing it impossible to save or recover any of the data.
Please do not try to actively bring about this kind of
situation to test this feature. Although the internal
program processes have been improved to cope
with such situations, Steinberg cannot guarantee
that other parts of the computer are not damaged as
a consequence.
Record Enable