
Table Of Contents
Included Effect Plug-ins
Delay Plug-ins
If tempo sync is activated, this sets the base note value for the delay. If tempo
sync is deactivated, the delay time can be set freely in milliseconds.
Delay – Sync
Activates/Deactivates tempo sync for the Delay parameter.
If tempo sync is activated, this is where you specify the base note value for
tempo-syncing the effect (1/1 to 1/32, straight, triplet, or dotted).
If tempo sync is deactivated, the modulation speed can be set freely with the
Rate knob.
Rate – Sync
Activates/Deactivates tempo sync for the Rate parameter.
Sets the amount of delay modulation. This allows you to create a vibrato or
chorus-like effect.
Sets the number of repeats for the delay.
Adds distortion to the feedback loop. The longer the feedback, the more the
delay repeats are distorted over time.