
Menu Reference
Save as Template…
You can save any project as a template. When you create
a new project, the available templates are listed, allowing
you to base the new project on the selected template.
Saved templates will contain everything that was in the
original project, including clips and events.
Save Library… (Cubase only)
Saves the currently open and active library. Library files
have the extension “.npl”.
This menu item allows you to revert to the last saved ver-
sion of a project. If any new audio files have been recorded
since you last saved, you have the option of keeping or de-
leting these.
Page Setup…
This item opens the standard Page Setup dialog, used for
deciding about paper formats, etc., before printing a score.
The item is only available when the Score Editor is open.
Opens the standard Print dialog, allowing you to select
which pages to print, how many copies of each, etc. This
item is only available when the Score Editor is open.
Option Description
Audio File… Lets you import audio files directly into a project. The im-
ported file will be placed at the current cursor position
of the selected audio track.
Audio CD… Opens the Import from Audio CD dialog where you can
import audio from CDs. For details use the Help func-
tion in the dialog.
Video File Opens a file dialog allowing you to import a video file onto
the video track. You do not have to create a video track
before importing, it is automatically created. The imported
video will be placed at the current cursor position.
Audio from
Video File…
Allows you to extract the audio from a video file on disk.
The audio in the selected video file is extracted and con-
verted to a Wave file in the project’s Audio folder.
MIDI File… Allows you to import standard MIDI files of Type “0” (all
data on single track) or Type “1” (data on several tracks).
When you import, you can choose to import the file into
the current project, or to create a new project.
Track Archive…
(Cubase only)
Allows you to import tracks exported from another Cu-
base (or Nuendo) project.
Tempo Track…
(Cubase only)
Tempo track information (including time signature
events) can be exported as a special XML file (file exten-
sion “.smt”). This menu item allows you to import a tempo
track file exported from another project. This will replace
all tempo track data in the current project (although the
operation can be undone if needed).
(Cubase only)
Allows you to import MusicXML files created with ver-
sion 1.1. This makes it possible to represent sheet mu-
sic in Cubase.
(Cubase only)
Allows you to open an OMF file (Open Media Frame-
work Interchange) and convert it to a Cubase project.
Option Description
MIDI File… Allows you to export MIDI tracks as standard MIDI files.
MIDI Loop… Allows you to export MIDI loops (file extension “midi-
loop”) in Cubase. MIDI loops contain MIDI part informa-
tion plus all settings that are saved in instrument track
Allows you to mix down and export output busses. You
can also export audio track channels or any kind of audio
channel in the Mixer (including VST instrument channels,
FX channels, group channels, and ReWire channels).
The resulting mixes are saved as files on your hard disk in
one of several file formats, complete with effects, auto-
mation EQ, etc.
(Cubase only)
Allows you to export selected tracks from the current
project, complete with contents, Mixer settings, automa-
tion, effects, etc. The exported tracks can then be im-
ported into other Cubase projects by selecting “Track
Archive…” from the Import submenu.
Tempo Track…
(Cubase only)
Tempo track information (including time signature
events) can be exported as a special XML file (file exten-
sion “.smt”), which can later be imported into another
(Cubase only)
Here you can export a score (in Page mode) as a picture,
e. g. a Bitmap file.
(Cubase only)
Allows you to export MusicXML files.
Allows you to export notepad data as text file. On export,
an external text editor will be opened automatically.
(Cubase only)
Saves the active project as an OMF (Open Media Frame-
work Interchange) file.
Option Description