User manual

Table Of Contents
Device ports
Selecting for busses 29
Setting up 28
Drawing 833
Keeping horizontal 834
Direct Monitoring
Control Room 226
Display Quantize 534
About 726
Auto 774
In polyphonic voices 786
Rests 728
Tool 729, 750
Display Transpose
About 535, 776
Disable 744
Dithering 233
Draw tool 92
MIDI parts 92
Score Editor 816
In Sample Editor 335
MIDI controllers 504
MIDI notes 491
MIDI parts 92
Drum Editor
Creating and editing notes 516
Muting drum sounds 517
Selecting drum maps 520
Drum maps
About 518
Editing in score 885
Making settings 518
MIDI channel and output 519
Selecting 520
Setup dialog 520
Drum name lists 522
Drum notes
About 883
Adding and editing 886
Head pairs 885
Setting up staves 886
Single line 886
Drumstick tool 516
Events and parts 73
MIDI notes 496
Notes in score 762
Dynamics symbols
Adding 833
Edit Active Audio Event Only 326
Edit button
Audio track Inspector 44
MIDI track Inspector 450
Edit groups 99
Edits folder 302
élastique algorithm
About 322
Enharmonic Shift 540
Manual 793
Process 304
Realtime 151
Channel racks 196
Curve display 197
Presets 197
EQ position
Strip module 198
EQ presets 197
Equal Gain
Crossfades 148
Equal Power
Crossfades 148
Equalizer curve
MixConsole 179
Erase tool
Breaking bar lines in score 882
Deleting notes in score 770
Project window 79
Audio 69
Creating from hitpoints 352
Duplicating 73
Envelopes 151
Grouping 78
Locking 78
Moving 72
Muting 79
Overlapping in Project
window 73
Removing 79
Renaming 75
Resizing 76
Resizing with time stretch 77
Selecting 70
Selecting automatically with
project cursor 72
Sliding contents 77
Splitting 75
Explode 751
Export audio mixdown 638
Audio engine settings 643
Channel selection 640
File naming 641
In realtime 644
Markers 175
MIDI files 692
OMF 690
Score as image files 745
Selected tracks 696
Tempo track 616
Expression maps
About 555
Creating 560
Drum Editor 558
In-Place Editor 558
Key Editor 558
List Editor 560
Loading 556
Score Editor 558
External effects 242
About 32
Favorites 36
Freezing 37
Missing plug-ins 36
Setting up 33
External instruments
About 32
Favorites 36
Freezing 37
Missing plug-ins 36
Setting up 34
External section 220
Audio from video 678, 688
Audio to MIDI (VariAudio) 366
MIDI Automation 480
Voices 789
Extracting chord events from
MIDI 552
Fade handles 143
Fade In/Out functions 145
Fader section (MixConsole) 185
Auto fades 149
Creating 143
Editing in dialog 145
Presets 146
Processing 145
Removing 145
With Range Selection tool 144
Fill Loop 74
Filter bar
List Editor 522
MIDI in Project Browser 634
MIDI messages 130
FireWire DV Output 672
Fit Page/Width 733
Fixed lengths 477
Fixed stem length 778
Fixed tempo 610
Fixed velocity 478
Flat ties 805
Crescendo 834
Slurs and Ties 831
Stems 540, 791
Folder parts 98
Folder tracks
Creating 97
Group editing 99
Hiding data 98
Moving tracks into 97
Muting and soloing 98
Showing data 98
Working with 97