User manual

Table Of Contents
Working with symbols
Symbol details
To insert a crescendo-diminuendo (<>) symbol, select the double crescendo
symbol from the tab and drag from left to right.
To insert a diminuendo-crescendo (><) symbol, select the double crescendo
symbol from the tab and drag from right to left.
When you have inserted a crescendo or diminuendo symbol, you can move it and
resize it by dragging its handles.
The “dynamic crescendo/diminuendo” symbol (p < f) is special in that it actually
affects the velocity of the notes as they are played back.
This is described in the section “Working with mapped dynamics” on page 891.
If the “Keep Crescendo Symbols ‘Horizontal’” option is activated in the
Preferences dialog (Scores–Editing page), crescendo/diminuendo symbols are
never slanted when you draw them, but stay horizontal.
Also, this option prevents you from accidentally dragging an endpoint up or down
when moving the symbol.
It is also possible to “flip” crescendo symbols, by selecting the option in the
context menu or by clicking the Flip button on the extended toolbar.
Aligning dynamics
There is a special command for aligning dynamic symbols (including crescendos)
horizontally. Unlike the regular align function (see
“Alignment” on page 832), aligning
dynamics takes the “baseline” of the dynamic letters into account, aligning them as
text rather than as graphic symbols.
1. Select the dynamic symbols that you want to align, e. g. pp and a crescendo.
2. Right-click on a selected symbol and select the “Align” function on the context
This aligns all selected dynamics (except slurs and beziers) horizontally.
You can also align the dynamic objects by opening the Scores menu and selecting
“Dynamics” from the Align Elements submenu.
The Line/Trill tab
Octave symbols
The octave symbols (8va and 15va) act as a “local display transpose” (see
“Transposing instruments” on page 744) – they shift the display of the score one/two
octaves down.
By dragging the end of the dotted line, you can specify exactly which notes are
affected by the octave symbol.
Only notes beneath the dotted line are display transposed.
You can also right-click on the octave symbol and select the “Extend (+)” or
“Reduce (-)” command to extend it to the next chord or to reduce it.
Tuplet group symbols
These are “graphical” tuplet group symbols, as opposed to the “real” tuplets.
After inserting a tuplet group symbol, you can double-click on its number and enter
any number from 2 to 32.