User manual

Table Of Contents
Staff settings
Key and clef
If you only want the “long name” to be shown (i.e. if you do not want a name shown
for each system in the score), simply delete the short name.
If the “Show Long Staff Names on new Pages” option is activated in the “Staff
Names” section of the Score Settings dialog (Project page), the long name is
shown at the beginning of each new page.
You can also specify two separate subnames by double-clicking the staff name
and entering them in the upper and lower text entry fields in the dialog that
Note that this is only displayed correctly, if you are in Page Mode and if “Show
Staff Names to Left of Staff” is activated in the Score Settings dialog, on the
Project–Notation Style subpage (Staff Names category).
Key and clef
The basic key and clef settings are described in detail in the section “Setting clef, key,
and time signature” on page 738. There is also a Lower Staff checkbox which is only
used in conjunction with split (piano) staves and polyphonic voicing (see “In a split
system” on page 741).
If you want to set a different key symbol, e.g. when scoring for French horn,
activate the “Local Keys” option.
Display Quantize and Interpretation Options
These two sections of the dialog contain a number of settings used to determine how
the notes are interpreted. While these settings are more critical to making MIDI
recorded music appear as legible as possible it is still important to have them set
correctly when entering notes using the mouse. Below you can find descriptions of
the settings – for further details, see
“Adding Display Quantize changes” on page
There are “fixed” Display Quantize values plus an “Auto” option which should only be
used when your music contains mixed straight notes and triplets. For background
information about Display Quantize, see
“Display Quantize” on page 726.
Display Quantize values
Notes and Rests
Generally, the Notes value should be set to a value equal to, or smaller than, the
“smallest note position” that you want to be shown in the score.
The Rests value should be set to a value equal to, or smaller than, the smallest note
value (length) you want to be displayed for a single note, positioned on a beat.
If the score contains only triplets, or mostly triplets, select one of the Triplet