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Editing tempo and signature
Tempo Detection (Cubase only)
To retrigger the tempo analysis based on the assumption that the event has a
steady tempo, click the “Smooth Tempo” button.
Irregular spikes or tempo changes are removed during this analysis.
The detected tempo is off by half a beat
In some cases, the offbeat of a rhythm might be dominant enough to confuse the beat
detection algorithm resulting in an offset. In that case it is necessary to shift the tempo
To shift the detected tempo events by half a beat, click the “Offbeat Correction”
The tempo was not detected properly for the whole event
Sometimes it is impossible for the algorithm to properly detect the tempo for the
whole audio event because the audio contains sections played in a different tempo or
has special rhythmic characteristics. Manual adjustments are then necessary to create
a perfect tempo track.
To manually correct tempo events, proceed as follows:
1. With the Tempo Detection Panel still open, play the track from the beginning and
listen to the click.
It is useful to zoom in on the waveform so that the transients are visible. Using the
stationary cursor could be useful as well.
2. Locate the first tempo event that is off. Use the Time Warp Tool to move this
tempo event to the correct position.
The material to the right of the corrected event will be reanalyzed and the tempo
3. Continue listening to the audio until you reach the next misplaced tempo event and
repeat the manual correction procedure until you reach the end of the song.
The beginning of the tempo curve needs to be corrected
When you edit a tempo event, the tempo curve by default is reanalyzed from the point
of editing towards the right. However, if the detection did not produce proper results
at the beginning of the event, you can change the direction in which the algorithm
Proceed as follows:
1. At the bottom of the Tempo Detection Panel, activate the left arrow button to
change the direction of reanalysis.
2. Locate the first correct tempo event at the beginning of the audio and use the Time
Warp tool to move the corresponding tempo event slightly back and forth to
trigger a backwards detection.
The tempo at the beginning of the audio event is corrected and new events are
added where necessary.
The audio material contains sections with different tempos
In some cases, a track may include multiple sections with different tempo and the
tempo detection might stop at the position of a tempo change or pause in the audio.
If the manual adjustment of individual tempo events does not give you the desired
results for files with varying tempo, you can cut the audio event at each major tempo
change and perform the tempo detection for each of the resulting sections
Ö Remember that each cut needs to have a length of at least 7 seconds.