User manual

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Editing tempo and signature
The Time Warp tool (Cubase only)
4. Select the Time Warp tool.
You have already matched the first downbeat with the start of a bar. However, if the
recording starts before the first downbeat (with a fill, some silence, etc.), you want to
“lock” the first downbeat so that it stays in position:
5. Press [Shift] and click in the event at the position of the first downbeat (the start of
the bar).
When you press [Shift], the pointer turns into a pencil. Clicking adds a tempo
event at the first downbeat – when you later adjust the tempo with the Time Warp
tool, the first downbeat will stay in place. Note that if the event starts exactly on the
first downbeat (no audio before the “one”), you do not need to do this. This is
because a tempo event is automatically added at the start of the edited event.
6. Now, locate the start of the next bar in the ruler.
7. Click at that position in the event display and drag to the downbeat of the second
bar in the recording.
When you click, the pointer will snap to the ruler grid.
By dragging the grid, you changed the tempo value in the tempo event at the first
downbeat. If the drummer held a fairly consistent tempo, the following bars should
now match pretty well, too.
8. Check the following bars and locate the first position where the audio drifts from
the tempo.
Now, if you simply adjusted that beat in the tempo grid to match the beat in the
recording, the tempo event at the first downbeat would be changed – this would ruin
the match in the previous bars! We need to lock these by inserting a new tempo
9. Locate the last beat that is in sync.
This would be the beat just before the position where the audio and tempo drift
10.Press [Shift] and click at that position to insert a tempo event there.
This locks this matched position. The material to the left will not be affected when
you make adjustments further along.
11.Now match the tempo grid to the next (unmatched) beat by clicking and dragging
with the Time Warp tool.
The tempo event you inserted in step 10 will be adjusted.
12.Work your way through the recording this way – when you find that the recording
drifts from the tempo, repeat steps 9 to 11 above.
Now the tempo track follows the recording and you can add more material, rearrange
the recording, etc.
Matching to hitpoints
If you have calculated hitpoints for the audio event you are editing, these will be shown
when the Time Warp tool is selected.
- The number of hitpoints shown depends on the Hitpoint Sensitivity slider setting
you have made in Hitpoint mode.
- If you activate the Snap to Zero Crossing button on the toolbar, the Time Warp
tool will snap to hitpoints when you drag the tempo grid.
- You can use the Create Markers from Hitpoints function (on the Hitpoints
submenu of the Audio menu) to create markers at the hitpoint positions. This can
be useful when using the Time Warp tool in the Project window, as the tool will be
magnetic to markers (if the Snap Type is set to Events).