User manual

Table Of Contents
The Logical Editor, Transformer, and Input Transformer
Specifying actions
Ö The Position and Length parameters are interpreted via the time base setting in the
Bar Range/Time Base column, with the exception of the Random setting, which uses
the time base of the affected events.
This setting determines what to do with the Action Target. The options on this pop-up
menu are different depending on the selected Action Target. Below, all available
operations are listed:
Adds the value specified in the Parameter 1 column to the Action Target.
Subtracts the value specified in the Parameter 1 column from the Action Target.
Multiply by
Multiplies the Action Target value with the value specified in the Parameter 1 column.
Divide by
Divides the Action Target value by the value specified in the Parameter 1 column.
Cubase only: VST3 Value Operation – Invert (Logical Editor only)
Inverts Note Expression data containing the specified VST 3 event parameter.
Round by
This “rounds” the Action Target value using the value specified in the Parameter 1
column. In other words, the Action Target value is changed to the closest value that
can be divided by the Parameter 1 value.
For example, if the Action Target value is 17 and Parameter 1 is 5, the result of
rounding will be 15 (the closest value that can be divided by 5). Another word for this
type of operation would be “quantizing”, and it is actually possible to use it for this, by
setting the Action Target to “Position” and specifying a quantize value with Parameter
(in ticks, with 480 ticks per quarter note).
Set Random Values between
This will set the Action Target value to a random value within the range specified with
Parameter 1 and 2.
Set to fixed value
This sets the Action Target to the value specified in the Parameter 1 column.
Set Relative Random Values between
This will add a random value to the current Action Target value. The added random
value will be within the range specified with Parameter 1 and 2. Note that these can
be set to negative values.
For example, if you set Parameter 1 to -20 and Parameter 2 to +20, the original Action
Target value will get a random variation, never exceeding ±20.
Add Length (Logical Editor only)
This is only available when Action Target is set to Position. Furthermore, it is only valid
if the found events are notes (and thus have a length). When Add Length is selected,
the length of each note event will be added to the Position value. This can be used for
creating new events (using the Insert function) positioned relative to the end positions
of the original notes.