User manual

Table Of Contents
The Logical Editor, Transformer, and Input Transformer
Setting up filter conditions
In this example, the action will be performed when the note C1 is pressed (the “Note
is playing” condition is only available in the Input Transformer and in the Transformer
In this example, the action will be performed after playing the C1 note:
Cubase only: In this example, the action will be performed for Note Expression VST 3
Tuning events that are attached to a C1 note when C1 is pressed:
Searching for Chords (Logical Editor only)
Ö A note belongs to a chord, if at least two other notes play at the same time.
The Context Variable option on the Filter Target pop-up menu allows you to search for
chords in a MIDI part or on the chord track.
When Context Variable is selected, the Condition column shows the following
options: Equal, Unequal, Bigger, Bigger or Equal, Less, Less or Equal, Inside Range,
Outside Range, see
“Conditions” on page 583.
Parameter 1 allows you to specify which context variable is searched:
For the following values of Parameter 1 you have to specify a Parameter 2:
Filter Target Condition Parameter 1 Parameter 2
Type is Equal Note
Last Event Equal Note is playing 36/C1
Filter Target Condition Parameter 1 Parameter 2
Last Event Equal Value 1 36/C1
Filter Target Condition Parameter 1 Parameter 2
Type is Equal VST3 Event Tuning
Last Event Equal MIDI Status 144/Note On
Last Event Equal Value 1 36/C1
Parameter 1 Searches for…
Average Pitch
…notes with the highest, lowest or average pitch in the selected MIDI
Average Velocity
…notes with the highest, lowest or average pitch velocity in the
selected MIDI part.
Average CC
…controllers with the highest, lowest or average value in the selected
MIDI part.
Parameter 1 Parameter 2 Searches for…
No. of Notes in Chord
Enter a value for the number of
notes in the chord.
…chords with the specified
number of notes in the selected
MIDI part.
No. of Voices (Part) Enter a number for the number
of voices of the chord.
…chords with the specified
number of voices in the selected
MIDI part.
Position in Chord
Select the position (interval) in
the chord.
…the specified chord interval in
the selected MIDI part.
Note Number in Chord
(lowest = 0)
Enter a number for the
number of chord.
…the specified voicing number in
the selected MIDI part.