User manual

Table Of Contents
The MIDI editors
Score Editor operations
Selecting a Quantize value
When you move the mouse pointer over the score, you will see that the Mouse Time
Position field on the status line tracks your movement and shows the current position
in bars, beats, sixteenth notes, and ticks.
Positioning on screen is controlled by the current Quantize value. If you set this to 1/8,
you can only insert and move notes to eighth note positions, at quarter notes, at half
bars or at bar positions. It is a good strategy to set the Quantize value to the smallest
note value in the piece. This does not stop you from inputting notes at “coarser”
positions. However, if you set the Quantize value to too small a note value, it is easier
to make mistakes.
The Quantize value is set with the Quantize pop-up menu on the toolbar.
You can also assign key commands to the different Quantize values.
This is done in the Key Commands dialog, in the “MIDI Quantize” category.
Just like in the other MIDI editors, you can use the Quantize Panel to create other
quantize values, irregular grids, etc.
However, this is not often used when entering score notes.
Entering a note
To add a note to the score, proceed as follows:
1. Make the staff active.
Notes are always put in on the active staff.
2. Select the type of note by selecting a note value.
This is described in detail above.
3. On the toolbar, select the Note tool.
If you selected the note value by clicking on a symbol on the extended toolbar, the
Note tool gets automatically selected.
4. Select a Quantize value.
5. Move the mouse over the staff to find the correct position.
Check the Mouse Time Position display on the status line – the position is
“magnetically” attracted to the grid defined by the current Quantize value. This
allows you to easily find the correct position.
6. Move the mouse vertically to find the correct pitch.
The Mouse Note Position display on the status line shows the pitch at the pointer
position, making it easy to find the right pitch.
7. Click in the staff.
The note appears in the score.
The notes you enter will get the insert velocity value set in the Insert Velocity field on
the toolbar, see
“Setting velocity values” on page 494.
Ö If the notes you enter appear to have the wrong note value (e. g. you enter a 1/32 note
that is displayed as a 1/16 note), you may have to adjust the Display Quantize
settings, see
“Display Quantize” on page 534.
With the Quantize value set to 1/8, you can only input notes
at eighth note positions.