User manual

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The MIDI editors
Key Editor operations
With these methods, the resulting length will be a multiple of the Length Quantize
value on the toolbar.
Use the Trim Start/End buttons on the Nudge palette on the toolbar.
This resizes the selected note(s) by moving their start or end positions, in steps
according to the Length Quantize value on the toolbar. By default, the Nudge
palette is not shown on the toolbar – see
“Using the Setup options on page 700
for more information.
Select the note and adjust its length on the info line.
See “Editing on the info line” on page 499 for details on info line editing.
Use the Trim tool, see “Using the Trim tool” on page 488.
Splitting notes
There are three ways to split notes:
Clicking on a note with the Cut tool splits the note at the position you pointed
(taking the Snap setting into account if activated).
If several notes are selected, they are all split at the same position.
If you select “Split at Cursor” from the Functions submenu on the Edit menu, all
notes that are intersected by the project cursor are split at the cursor position.
If you select “Split Loop” from the Functions submenu on the Edit menu, all notes
that are intersected by the left or right locator are split at the locator positions.
Gluing notes
Clicking on a note with the Glue tool will “glue it together” with the next note of the
same pitch. The result will be one long note spanning from the start of the first note to
the end of the second note and with the properties (velocity, etc.) of the first note.
Muting notes
Individual notes can be muted in the Key Editor, as opposed to muting an entire MIDI
part in the Project window. This allows you to exclude notes from playback, but keep
the option to bring them back again at any time. To mute a note, use one of the
following methods:
Click on it with the Mute tool.
Drag a rectangle with the Mute tool, enclosing all notes you want to mute.
Select the note(s) and choose Mute from the Edit menu.
The default key command for this is [Shift]-[M].
Muted notes
are “dimmed”
in the note
To unmute a note, either click it or enclose it with the Mute tool, or select it and
choose Unmute from the Edit menu.
The default key command for this is [Shift]-[U].
Deleting notes
To delete notes, either click on them with the Erase tool or select them and press