User manual

Table Of Contents
MIDI processing
Other MIDI functions
Restrict Polyphony
Selecting this item opens a dialog in which you can specify how many “voices” are
used (for the selected notes or parts). Restricting the polyphony this way is useful
when you have an instrument with limited polyphony and want to make sure all notes
will be played. The effect is achieved by shortening notes as required, so that they end
before the next note starts.
Thin Out Data
Thins out MIDI data. Use this to ease the load on your external MIDI devices if you
have recorded very dense controller curves, etc.
Ö Cubase only: This also thins out MIDI controller and VST 3 events that form part of
Note Expression data.
You can also manually thin out the controller data by using the quantize function in the
Key Editor.
Extract MIDI Automation
This is an extremely useful function as it allows you to quickly and easily convert the
continuous controllers of your recorded MIDI parts into MIDI track automation data,
making them available for editing in the Project window. Proceed as follows:
1. Select the desired MIDI part containing the continuous controller data.
2. On the MIDI menu, open the Functions submenu and select “Extract MIDI
3. In the Project window, open the automation tracks for the respective MIDI track.
You will find that an automation track has been created for each of the continuous
controllers in the part.
Ö In the MIDI editors, the controller data will automatically be removed from the
controller lane.
This function can only be used for continuous controllers. Data such as Aftertouch,
Pitchbend, or SysEx cannot be converted to MIDI track automation data.
Ö MIDI controller automation is also affected by the Automation Merge Mode, see “MIDI
controller automation” on page 299.
This function inverts the order of the selected events (or of all events in the selected
parts), causing the MIDI music to play backwards. Note that the effect is different from
reversing an audio recording. With MIDI, the individual notes will still play as usual in
the MIDI instrument – it is only the order of playback that is changed.
Merge Tempo from Tapping (Cubase only)
This function allows you to create a complete tempo track based on your tapping, see
the section
“Merge Tempo From Tapping (Cubase only) on page 619.