User manual

Table Of Contents
The Project window
The Inspector
Not all Inspector tabs are shown by default. You can show/hide Inspector sections by
right-clicking on an Inspector tab and activating/deactivating the desired options on
the Inspector context menu.
Ö Make sure that you right-click on an Inspector tab and not on the empty area below
the Inspector, as this will open the Quick context menu instead.
Inspector sections
The Inspector contains the controls that can be found on the track list, plus some
additional buttons and parameters. In the table below, these additional settings and
the different sections are listed.
Parameter Description
Auto Fades
Settings button
Opens a dialog in which you can make separate Auto Fade settings
for the audio track, see
“Making Auto Fade settings for individual
tracks” on page 150.
Edit Channel
Opens the Channel Settings window for the track, allowing you to
view and adjust effect and EQ settings, etc., see
“Using Channel
Settings” on page 205.
Volume Use this to adjust the level for the track. Changing this setting will
move the track’s fader in the MixConsole, and vice versa. See
“Setting the Volume in the MixConsole” on page 189 to learn more
about setting levels.
Pan Use this to adjust the panning of the track. As with the Volume
setting, this corresponds to the Pan setting in the MixConsole.
Delay This adjusts the playback timing of the audio track. Positive values
delay the playback while negative values cause the track to play
earlier. The values are set in milliseconds.
Input Routing This lets you specify the input bus or MIDI input for the track. See
“Setting up busses” on page 27 for information about input busses.
Output Routing Here you decide to which output the track is routed. For audio tracks
you select an output bus (see
“Setting up busses” on page 27) or
Group channel, for MIDI tracks you select a MIDI output and for
instrument tracks, you select the instrument to which it is routed.
Chord Track
Here you can decide how the track follow the chord track, see
“Working with the Chord Functions” on page 542.