User manual

Table Of Contents
The Pool
Window overview
The Pool window columns
Various information about the clips and regions can be viewed in the Pool window
columns. The columns contain the following information:
Column Description
Media This column contains the Audio, Video and Trash folders. If the
folders are opened, the clip or region names are shown and can be
edited. This column is always shown.
Used This column displays the number of times a clip is used in the project.
If there is no entry in this column, the corresponding clip is not used.
Status This column displays various icons that relate to the current Pool and
clip status. See
“About the Status column symbols” on page 379 for
a description of the icons.
Musical Mode The checkbox in this column allows you to activate or deactivate
Musical Mode. If the Tempo column (see below) displays “???”, you
have to enter the correct tempo before you can activate Musical
Tempo This shows the tempo of audio files, if available. If no tempo has been
specified, the column displays “???”.
Sign. This is the time signature, e. g. “4/4”.
Key This is the root key, if one was specified for the file.
Algorithm Displays the algorithm preset that is used if the audio file is
processed. To change the default preset, click the preset name and
select another preset from the pop-up menu.
For a detailed
description of the available presets, see
“About time stretch and
pitch shift algorithms” on page 322.
Info This column shows the following information for audio clips: The
sample rate, bit resolution, number of channels and the length in
seconds. For regions, it displays start and end times in frames, and
for video clips the frame rate, number of frames, and length in
Type This column shows the file format of the clip.
Date This column shows the date when the audio file was last changed.
Origin Time This column shows the original start position where a clip was
recorded in the project. As this value can be used as a basis for the
“Insert into Project” option in the Media or context menu (and other
functions), you can change it if the Origin Time value is independent
e. not for regions). This can either be done by editing the value in
the column, or by selecting the corresponding clip in the Pool, moving
the project cursor to the new desired position and selecting “Update
Origin” from the Audio menu.
Image This column displays waveform images of audio clips or regions.
Path This column shows the path to the location of a clip on the hard disk.
Reel Name If you have imported an OMF file (see “Exporting and importing OMF
files (Cubase only)” on page 690), it may include this attribute, which
is then shown in this column. The Reel Name describes the “physical”
reel or tape from which the media was originally captured.