User manual

Table Of Contents
The Sample Editor
Window overview
Opening the Sample Editor
To open the Sample Editor, double-click an audio event in the Project window or the
Audio Part Editor, or double-click an audio clip in the Pool. You can have more than
one Sample Editor window open at the same time.
Ö Double-clicking an audio part in the Project window opens the Audio Part Editor, even
if the part contains a single audio event only. The Audio Part Editor is described in a
separate chapter, see
“The Audio Part Editor” on page 371.
The toolbar
The toolbar contains various tools for selecting, manipulating and playing back audio,
as well as options that affect the appearance and behavior of the Sample Editor.
In the Musical Information section at the right of the toolbar, the estimated length of
your audio file is displayed in bars and beats (PPQ) together with the estimated tempo
and the time signature. These values are important for using Musical Mode, see
“Musical Mode” on page 340.
The Algorithm pop-up menu allows you to select an algorithm for the realtime time
stretching. For more information about the time stretch algorithm, see
“Selecting an
algorithm for realtime playback” on page 340.
You can customize the toolbar by right-clicking it and using the context menu to
hide or show items. For further information about configuring the toolbar, see
“Using the Setup options” on page 700.
Show Audio Event
When the “Show Audio Event” button is activated on the toolbar, the section
corresponding to the edited event is highlighted in the waveform display and the
Overview. The sections of the audio clip not belonging to the event are shown with a
gray background.
You can adjust the start and end of the event in the clip by dragging the event
handles in the waveform display.
Edit Active Audio Event Only
The “Edit Active Audio Event Only” button on the toolbar lets you restrict editing
operations to the active audio event. For further information, see
“Handling Several
Audio Events” on page 338.
This button is only available if you have opened the Sample Editor by double-clicking
an audio event in the Project window or the Audio Part Editor. It is not available if you
have opened the audio event from the Pool.