User manual

Table Of Contents
Audio processing and functions
Audio processing
Min. Opening Time
This is the shortest time the gate will remain open. If you find that the gate opens and
closes too often when processing material that varies rapidly in level, try raising this
Release Time
The time it takes for the gate to close fully after the audio level has dropped below the
threshold level.
Linked Channels
This is available for stereo audio only. When it is activated, the Noise Gate is opened
for both channels as soon as one or both channels exceed the Threshold level. When
Linked Channels is deactivated, the Noise Gate works independently for the left and
right channel.
Dry/Wet mix
Allows you to specify a mix ratio between “dry” and processed sound.
Pre-Crossfade and Post-Crossfade
See “Pre/Post-Crossfade” on page 303.
The Normalize function allows you to specify the desired maximum level of the audio.
It then analyzes the selected audio and finds the current maximum level. Finally it
subtracts the current maximum level from the specified level and raises the gain of the
audio by the resulting amount (if the specified maximum level is lower than the current
maximum, the gain will be lowered instead). A common use for Normalizing is to raise
the level of audio that was recorded at too low an input level. The dialog contains the
following settings:
The desired maximum level for the audio, between -50 and 0 dB. The setting is also
indicated below the Gain display as a percentage.
Pre-Crossfade and Post-Crossfade
See “Pre/Post-Crossfade” on page 303.
Phase Reverse
Reverses the phase of the selected audio, turning the waveform “upside down”.
The dialog contains the following settings:
Phase Reverse on
When processing stereo audio, this pop-up menu allows you to specify which
channel(s) are phase-reversed.
Pre-Crossfade and Post-Crossfade
See “Pre/Post-Crossfade” on page 303.