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MIDI controller automation
In the table in the lower section of the dialog, you can specify the record
destination and the Automation Merge Mode separately for all the available MIDI
controllers. This gives you full control over the MIDI automation (destination as well
as merge mode) in your project.
4. Click in the Record Destination column for a MIDI controller to open the pop-up
menu where you can choose where you want recorded data of this particular MIDI
Controller to end up.
5. Click in the Automation Merge Mode column for a MIDI controller to specify what
will happen with data for this specific controller on playback.
All settings you make in this dialog are saved with the project.
When you create a new project, the default settings will be used. To save the
current settings as default settings, click the “Save as Default” button. To return to
the default settings, click the Load Default button.