User manual

Table Of Contents
VST instruments and instrument tracks
Instrument tracks
Proceed as follows:
1. Open the MediaBay window via the Media menu.
2. In the Results section, open the “Select Media Types” dialog and select “MIDI
Loops & Plug-in Presets” (see
“Filtering according to media type” on page 399).
This is not necessary, but will help you locate your MIDI loops more quickly.
3. In the Results list, select a MIDI loop and drag it to an empty section in the Project
An instrument track is created and the instrument part is inserted at the position
where you dragged the file. The Inspector will reflect all settings saved in the MIDI
loop, e.
g. the VST instrument that was used, applied insert effects, track
parameters, etc.
Ö You can also drag MIDI loops onto existing instrument or MIDI tracks. However, this
will only import the part information. This means this part will only contain the MIDI
data (notes, controllers) saved in the MIDI loop, but no inspector settings or
instrument parameters.
Exporting MIDI loops
Exporting MIDI loops is a great way of saving a MIDI part together with its instrument
and effect settings. This allows you to easily reproduce patterns you created without
having to search for the correct sound, style, or effect.
Proceed as follows:
1. Select the desired instrument part.
2. Open the File menu, open the Export submenu, and select “MIDI Loop…”.
A file dialog opens.
3. In the “New MIDI Loop” section, enter a name for the MIDI loop.
If you want to save attributes for the MIDI loop, click the button below the “New
MIDI Loop” section at the bottom left.
The Attribute Inspector section opens, allowing you to define attributes for your
MIDI loop.
4. Click OK to close the dialog and save the MIDI loop.
MIDI Loop files are saved in the following folder:
- Windows: \Users\<user name>\AppData\Roaming\Steinberg\
MIDI Loops
- Mac: /Users/<user name>/Library/Application Support/Steinberg/MIDI Loops/
This default folder cannot be changed, but you can create subfolders within this folder
to organize your MIDI loops. Simply click the “New Folder” button in the Save MIDI
Loop dialog.
Exporting instrument tracks as MIDI file
You can also export instrument tracks as standard MIDI files, see “Exporting MIDI
files” on page 692.
Please note the following:
As there is no MIDI patch information in an instrument track, this information is
missing in the resulting MIDI file.
If you activate “Export Inspector Volume/Pan”, volume and pan information of the
VST instrument will be converted and written into the MIDI file as controller data.