User manual

Table Of Contents
The Control Room (Cubase only)
The Control Room Overview
The Control Room Overview
You can access the Control Room Overview from the Devices menu. The Control
Room Overview displays the current Control Room configuration. The window shows
all possible channels. Channels that have been added in the VST Connections
window, are highlighted, channels that have not been added are grayed out.
The Control Room Overview allows you to see the signal flow through the Control
Room Mixer. All the routing functions of the Control Room Mixer are duplicated in the
Overview. If you open the Control Room Mixer and the Control Room Overview
windows side by side, you can see the various squares light up as you operate the
controls, indicating changes in signal flow. You can also click the squares in the
overview to make changes.
Direct Monitoring and Latency
The Control Room and Cue Sends functions use the internal processing power of the
host computer system for all routing and processing, which means they are subject to
the computer’s latency.
When recording with several performers at once, a system capable of running at very
low ASIO buffer settings will be necessary to take full advantage of all the cue send
Cue Sends are not capable of controlling the Direct Monitoring features of various
audio hardware interfaces. This means that unless the internal latency of the system is
very low (128 samples or less), monitoring of record-enabled tracks through the cue
sends will have some delay that can affect performers during recording.
In the situation where internal latency is too much for record monitoring, it is advisable
to use the cue sends for monitoring of tracks that have already been recorded and use
normal Direct Monitoring for tracks currently being recorded.