User manual

Table Of Contents
The Control Room (Cubase only)
Cue Channels and Cue Sends
Ö To apply the function for all cue channels, click anywhere but on a cue channel to
open the context menu.
The following options are available:
Use Current Mix Levels
This copies the fader levels of the selected tracks to the cue sends. This option
sets all cue send levels for the selected tracks to the level of the main channel
fader. It also changes the cue send status to pre-fader, so that changes in the main
mix do not affect the cue sends.
Use Current Pan Settings
This copies pan information from the main mix to the cue sends of the selected
tracks. If the cue send is mono, the pan setting is copied, but the output of the cue
send is the sum of the left and right channels.
Enable Cue Sends
This activates the cue sends of the selected channels. To be able to hear the cue
mix for a cue channel, the cue sends must be enabled.
Disable Cue Sends
This disables the cue sends of the selected channels.
Reset Cue Sends
This changes the send level of all selected channels to -6 dB and sets the signal
source to post-fader. This way, any changes to the main mix also change the cue
mix. For “more me” channels, raise the level on that channel.
Adjusting the Overall Cue Send Level
Levels in the main mix are often optimized for the loudest signal level possible without
clipping. However, when you are creating a “more me” mix, you may find that there is
not enough headroom available in the cue send to raise levels without introducing
clipping. In this case, you can adjust multiple send levels at the same time, allowing
you to keep the blend intact while lowering the overall volume to make room for “more
me” signals.
Once you have created a cue send mix, proceed as follows to adjust their relative
1. Select the channels that you want to modify.
2. Right-click on a cue channel in the Control Room to open the context menu for this
3. On the “From selected mixer channels” submenu, select “Change Cue Sends
4. Activate “Relative Mode”.
This way, you adjust the existing levels. If you deactivate “Relative Mode”, all cue
sends are set to the same absolute level.
5. Adjust the gain as necessary.
The level of all selected cue sends is adjusted by the set amount.
6. Click OK.