User manual

Table Of Contents
The Control Room (Cubase only)
The Control Room Mixer
Control Room channel
The Control Room channel is the representation of the bus that is set up as the Main
Mix bus on the Outputs tab in the VST Connections window. It is shown below the
other channels in the Control Room Mixer.
Input Selectors
You can select the source for the Control Room channel with the buttons directly
below the header. Which sources are available depends on the channels that you
added to the Control Room. The signal presence indicators in the upper left corner of
the input selector buttons light up when the source channel is sending data to the
Control Room channel.
Signal Level
This is the volume for the Control Room output. The fader does not affect the
recording input level or the Main Mix level for exporting mixdowns.
Activates the metronome click.
Use the Click Level and Click Pan controls to set the volume and the pan position
of the metronome click for the Control Room channel.
Activates talkback, allowing communication between the control room and the
performers in the studio.
There are two modes of operation: momentary mode used by clicking and holding
the Talk button, and latch mode where clicking once turns the Talkback on until
you click it again to turn it off.
Talk Dim Level
When Talkback is enabled, this slider controls how much the output of all the
channels in the Control Room Mixer is reduced, to prevent unwanted feedback. If the
Talkback DIM level is set to 0
dB, no changes occur in the Control Room channels.
This button determines whether the signal of a listen-enabled channel is routed to the
Control Room channel after applying the fader and pan settings (AFL) or before (PFL),
“Listen Mode (Cubase only)” on page 188.