User manual

Table Of Contents
The MixConsole
Configuring the MixConsole
Saving Channel & Rack Configurations
To quickly switch between different channel setups, you can save configurations of
the channels and racks in the MixConsole. The configurations contain visibility and
zone settings as well as the show/hide status of channel types and racks.
To save a configuration, proceed as follows:
1. On the toolbar, activate one of the “Channel & Rack Configuration” buttons.
2. Set up the configuration that you want to save.
3. Click the “Channel & Rack Configuration Functions” (*) button, and select “Save
Current Configuration”.
The configuration is saved and you can return to it at any time by activating the
corresponding “Channel & Rack Configuration” button.
To delete a configuration, activate its number, and in the Channel & Rack
Configuration Functions, select “Delete Current Configuration”.
Ö Cubase only: Channel & Rack Configurations are useful to set up multiple MixConsole
windows with different combinations of channels, channel types, etc.
Searching for Channel Names
The Search function allows you to find a specific channel in a large project. To search
for a channel name, proceed as follows:
1. Click the magnifying glass on the toolbar to open a selector that lists all channels.
2. Enter the name of the channel in the search field.
As you type, the channel list updates automatically.
3. Select the channel in the list and press [Return].
The selector closes and the channel is selected.
Ö If the channel was outside the view or hidden using the Visibility options, it is now
shown in the MixConsole. If the corresponding channel type is hidden, the channel
only gets selected in the Project window.
Using Visibility Agents
Visibility Agents allow you to show or hide all channels, selected channels, or
channels with certain properties. Click the Agents button to open a pop-up menu with
the available functions.
Ö Channel types that are hidden using the Channel Type selector cannot be shown
using Channel Visibility Agents.