User manual

Table Of Contents
Using markers
Markers are used to locate certain positions quickly. If you often find yourself jumping
to a specific position within a project, you should insert a marker at this position. You
can also use markers to make range selections (see
“Using markers to make range
selections in the Project window” on page 175) or for zooming (see “Zooming to
cycle markers” on page 170). Markers are located on the marker track.
There are two types of markers: position markers and cycle markers.
Position markers
As the name implies, position markers allow you to save a specific position. Position
markers on the marker track are shown as marker events: vertical lines with the marker
description (if assigned) and number beside it. If you select a marker track, all its
markers are shown in the Inspector.
Cycle markers
By creating cycle markers you can save any number of left and right locator positions
as start and end positions of a range and recall them by double-clicking on the
corresponding marker. Cycle markers are shown on marker tracks as two markers
bridged by a horizontal line. Cycle markers are ideal for storing sections of a project.
By defining cycle markers for sections of a song, e.
g. “Intro”, “Verse”, and “Chorus”,
you can quickly navigate to the song sections and repeat the section by activating the
Cycle button on the Transport panel.
Using cycle markers
Cycle markers represent ranges in your project. Therefore you can use them for
moving the left and right locators:
If you double-click on a cycle marker or select it from the Cycle pop-up menu in
the track list, the left and right locators are moved to encompass the cycle marker.
Now you can move the project cursor position to the start or the end of the cycle
marker by moving it to the corresponding locator (e.g. by using the keys [1] and [2]
on the numeric keypad).