User manual

Table Of Contents
The arranger track
Live mode
Live mode
If you have set up an arranger track and play it back, you have also the possibility to
influence the playback order “live”. Note that the Arranger mode has to be activated to
be able to use the Live mode.
1. Set up an arranger chain in the Inspector or in the Arranger Editor for an arranger
track, activate the Arranger mode and play back your project.
Now you can use your arranger events listed in the lower section of the Inspector
to play back your project in Live mode.
2. Switch into Live mode by clicking on the little arrow in the lower list of the
Inspector to the left of the arranger event you want to trigger.
The arranger event will be looped endlessly, until you click on another arranger
event. This might be useful, for example, if you want to loop a guitar solo with a
flexible length.
In the Jump Mode pop-up menu, you can define how long the active arranger event
will be played, before jumping to the next one. The following options are available:
Option Description
None Jumps to the next section immediately.
4 bars,
When one of these modes is selected, a grid of 4 or 2 bars (depending on
the setting) will be placed on the active arranger event. Whenever the
respective grid line is reached, playback will jump to the next arranger event.
An example:
Let’s say you have an arranger event which is 8 bars long and the grid is set
to 4 bars. When the cursor is anywhere within the first 4 bars of the arranger
event when you hit the next arranger event, playback will jump to the next
event when the end of the fourth bar of the arranger event is reached. When
the cursor is anywhere within the last 4 bars of the arranger event, playback
will jump to the next event at the end of the event.
When an event is shorter than 4 (or 2) bars and this mode is selected,
playback will jump to the next section at the event end.