User manual

Table Of Contents
Fades, crossfades, and envelopes
Creating crossfades
The Process Fade dialogs have the following buttons:
Creating crossfades
Overlapping audio material on the same track can be crossfaded, for smooth
transitions or special effects. You create a crossfade by selecting two consecutive
audio events and selecting the Crossfade command on the Audio menu (or by using
the corresponding key command, by default [X]). The result depends on whether the
two events overlap or not:
If the events overlap, a crossfade is created in the overlapping area.
The crossfade will be of the default shape (linear, symmetric), but you can change
this as described below.
Ö The default crossfade length and shape are set in the Crossfade dialog (see “The
Crossfade dialog” on page 148).
If the events do not overlap but are directly consecutive (lined up end-to-start, with
no gap) it is still possible to crossfade them – provided that their respective audio
clips overlap! In this case, the two events are resized so that they overlap, and a
crossfade of the default length and shape is applied.
If the events do not overlap and cannot be resized enough to overlap, a crossfade
cannot be created.
You can specify the length of the crossfade using the Range Selection tool: make
a selection range covering the desired crossfade area and use the Crossfade
command on the Audio menu.
The crossfade is applied to the selected range (provided that the events or their
clips overlap, as described above).
Ö You can also make a selection range after creating the crossfade and use the function
“Adjust fades to Range” on the Audio menu.
Once you have created a crossfade, you can edit it by selecting one or both
crossfaded events, and selecting “Crossfade” from the Audio menu again (or by
double-clicking in the crossfade zone).
This opens the Crossfade dialog.
Button Function
Preview Plays back the fade area. Playback will repeat until you click the
button again (the button is labeled “Stop” during playback).
Process Applies the set fade curve to the clip, and closes the dialog.
Cancel Closes the dialog without applying any fade.
Crossfade area