Remote Control Devices

The supported remote control devices
JL Cooper MCS-3000
The MCS-3000 can control 32 mixer channels remotely (in
groups of 8). The following MCS-3000 controls will remote
control the following mixer parameter for each channel strip:
Fader: volume
Solo and Mute: solo and mute
Sel: Select channel for editing
These parameters can be remote controlled for each selected channel
using the dials on the MCS-3000 and switching between Pages 1–4:
The MCS-3000 bank keys 1–4 are used to select
channels 1–32 in groups of 8.
Bank key 1 selects channels 1–8, bank key 2 selects channels 9–16, etc.
You can create markers by pressing the “Set Locate”
key on the MCS-3000, typing in a marker ID and pressing
To locate to a marker, press “Locate”, type in a marker
ID and press [Return].
The MCS-3000 Play, Stop, Record, Rewind and Fast
Forward transport controls will have the equivalent func-
tionality in your application.
Mackie Control
Mackie Control is an automated touch-sensitive control
surface. It is a nine-fader (eight channels and master) MIDI
controller that provides in-depth mixing, editing, automa-
tion and navigational control for any supported digital au-
dio workstation. A special Lexan overlay that shows all
Steinberg-specific key assignments for the Mackie Con-
trol device is available to customize the controller for your
This is described in a separate chapter, see “Mackie Con-
trol” on page 17.
Mackie HUI
Mackie HUI can control any number of channels in groups
of 8.
Use the left and right Bank buttons to select channels
1–8, 9–16 etc.
Use the left and right Channel buttons to shift the fader
assignment in steps of one channel.
The Fader button in the Auto Enable section is used to
disable/enable the motors.
The Mute, Pan, Send, Plug In and Send Mute buttons in
the Auto Enable section are currently not supported.
Use the Rec/Rdy buttons to arm a track for recording.
Use the Select buttons to select a single track for de-
tailed settings.
With the Mute and Solo buttons you can mute or solo a
Use the Default button to un-solo all tracks.
Use the Assign button to un-mute all tracks.
To the right of the time display, you find an LED labeled
“Rude Solo Light”. This LED lights up as soon as any
channel is soloed.
Use the Insert buttons to bypass all inserts of one track.
Pan button in the Select Assign section:
Fader Set: panning left/right or panning front/rear. Press button
repeatedly to cycle through the assignments (the eight V-Pots
control the pan parameters).
V-Sel button in the Select Assign section: monitor track.
Page 1 Page 2
Dial Parameter Dial Parameter
1Pan1EQ 1 Gain
2 Effect send 1 2 EQ 1 Freq
3 Effect send 2 3 EQ 1 “Q”
4 Effect send 3 4 EQ 1 Low Limit
5 Effect send 4 5 EQ 1 High Limit
Page 3 Page 4
Dial Parameter Dial Parameter
1EQ 2 Gain1EQ 3 Gain
2EQ 2 Freq2EQ 3 Freq
3 EQ 2 “Q” 3 EQ 3 “Q”
4 EQ 2 Low Limit 4 EQ 3 Low Limit
5 EQ 2 High Limit 5 EQ 3 High Limit
The MCS-3000 supports “MIDI Feedback”, allowing
fader settings and channel mute, solo and selection
status to be indicated on the panel. For this to work,
you need a two-way MIDI connection between the
MCS-3000 and the program.