Remote Control Devices

Mackie Control
The Steinberg layout for Mackie
This section describes the Steinberg-specific layout for
Mackie Control, and also provides information regarding
the Mackie Control XT 8 channel extender unit.
An overlay is included with your Mackie Control that shows
all Steinberg-specific key assignments for this device. The
overlay can be placed over the top right part of Mackie
Control, above the transport controls. These key assign-
ments are used to remote control the program.
You can also order this overlay from Mackie. Contact your
hardware dealer for details.
The following figure shows the Steinberg overlay for
Mackie Control:
About the Shift button
In the Action Keys section, to the right in the second row
of buttons, you will find the Shift button. The Shift button is
always used in combination with another button to extend
that button’s functionality. Pressing the Shift button alone
has no effect.
Action Keys
Fader Groups
Function keys
F1 to F8
Display section
Markers section
The Shift button
Please note that we will refer to the key assignments
of the Steinberg overlay throughout this chapter, i.e.
the original key labels replaced by this overlay are not