Mackie Control and Cubase

Control strip assignment
Global: Master Effects
Mackie Control can control the parameters of the effects
that are loaded in the master effects section of the main
output. To access these effects, press the Master button
in the Action Keys section.
When Page 01 is selected, V-Pot 1 selects which of the
master effect slots is currently being edited (see “About
parameter sub-groups” on page 15).
If no effect is selected for the current master effect slot,
the display will show that ‘No Effect’ is selected.
After a plug-in has been selected in Cubase, the display
will change to show the currently selected plug-in this ef-
fect slot and the ‘number of pages’ indicator will be up-
dated to show the amount of pages necessary to display
all the plug-in’s declared parameters.
Here the Symphonic plug-in has been selected.
Global: Instruments
Mackie Control can control the parameters of the instru-
ments that are loaded in the VST Instruments rack. To ac-
cess these, push the Instruments button in the Action
Keys section and press Shift.
When Page 01 is selected, V-Pot 1 selects which of the
VST Instrument slots is currently being edited (see “About
parameter sub-groups” on page 15).
If no VST Instrument is selected for the current slot the
display will read ‘No Effect’.
After an instrument plug-in has been selected in Cubase,
the display will change to show the currently selected in-
strument in this effect slot and the ‘number of pages’ indi-
cator will be updated to show the amount of pages
necessary to display all the plug-in’s declared parameters.