User Manual

Table Of Contents
31 – 722 Using WaveLab for backup
The items on the Preview pop-up menu (and the corresponding icons to
the right) have the following functionality:
General settings
Before you can actually run the backup, you need to make some general
settings. Actually, the dialog for this will automatically appear when you
simulate or execute a backup, but you may want to adjust these settings
before this, since some of them affect the backup contents (and thus
what is shown in Preview mode).
To make general settings for the Backup Plan, select “Settings” from the
Functions menu (when the Definition tab is selected) or click the corre-
sponding icon to the right.
The Backup Plan Options dialog appears. For information about the avail-
able options and settings, click the question mark icon in the dialog.
Click OK or Cancel to close the dialog and keep/discard the changes, as
usual. An additional checkbox allows you to save the settings as default.
Option Description
Generate file list Generates a list of files to be backed up, in text format. The list is opened in
the default text editor (e.g. Notepad), allowing you to save it or print it.
Display source
When this is selected, the Preview window shows the files according to
their original hierarchy on your hard disk (from the drive root down).
Display saved
When this is selected, the Preview window shows the files according to
how they will be archived. In this case, the folder hierarchy depends on the
settings in the Options dialog (see “General settings” on page 722).
Up one level Used for navigating to the nearest higher hierarchical level.
Refresh Refreshes the preview display.
Show options Determines how the backup contents should be shown in the Preview.